Discover the Magic of Atlas: The Finest Moroccan Olive Oil Unveiled

When it comes to gourmet olive oil, Atlas from Morocco stands in a league of its own. Available at, this exceptional extra virgin olive oil is not just a product; it is a culmination of over a century of passion, devotion, and tradition by the Aqallal Family. Let’s dive into the rich history and meticulous production process that makes Atlas Olive Oil a true gem in the culinary world.

A Legacy of Excellence

The story of Atlas Olive Oil begins in the ancient city of Fès, Morocco's historical and spiritual capital. For more than a century, the Aqallal Family has been synonymous with agricultural excellence. This legacy dates back to Boujida Aqallal, who in the late 19th century was honored with the title “Amine El-Fellaha,” meaning “The Wisest of the Farmers.” His profound knowledge of the soil, combined with his wisdom and piety, laid the foundation for a tradition that continues to flourish.

The Production Process: A Commitment to Quality

Atlas Olive Oils is an integrated-production farm dedicated to producing only the finest extra virgin olive oil. Nestled at the foot of the Atlas mountain chain, the farm spans approximately 1000 hectares, with 800 hectares dedicated to olive cultivation. Here, over 1.4 million olive trees thrive, nurtured by a climate and altitude (300-450 meters) that are ideal for producing superior quality olives.

The process of creating Atlas Olive Oil is a meticulous one. Constant monitoring of the olive groves ensures optimal conditions for growth. The olives are harvested at their peak ripeness and are processed within 20 minutes of picking. This rapid transition from harvest to grinding preserves the olives' freshness and quality. The oil is extracted mechanically at low temperatures, resulting in an exceptional extra virgin olive oil with a maximum acidity of 0.2°.

Unmatched Quality and Distinctiveness

What sets Atlas Olive Oil apart is the unwavering attention to detail at every production stage. The highly skilled workforce, combined with advanced European technology and expertise, ensures that every drop of Atlas Olive Oil meets the highest standards. The result is a magnificent olive oil that graces the shelves of the best international gourmet stores, including, representing the pinnacle of Moroccan culinary excellence.

A Culinary Treasure

Atlas Olive Oil is incredibly versatile, making it a staple in any gourmet kitchen. Here are some of the many ways you can use this extraordinary oil:

  • Salad Dressings: Enhance your salads with the rich, fruity flavor of Atlas Olive Oil. Its smooth texture and subtle notes elevate simple greens into gourmet dishes.
  • Sauteing: Use Atlas Olive Oil to saute vegetables, meats, and seafood. Its high smoke point and robust flavor make it perfect for cooking at high temperatures.
  • Dipping: Pair it with fresh bread for a delightful appetizer. The exquisite taste of Atlas Olive Oil is best enjoyed in its purest form.
  • Marinades: Infuse your meats and vegetables with a depth of flavor by using Atlas Olive Oil in your marinades. It helps to tenderize and adds a deliciously complex taste.
  • Finishing Touch: Drizzle a little over soups, pasta, or grilled dishes just before serving to impart a final burst of flavor.

The Essence of Moroccan Excellence

Atlas Olive Oil embodies the respect for territory and people, love for tradition, and passion for innovation that the Aqallal Family holds dear. Their commitment to achieving the highest possible quality is evident in every bottle of Atlas Olive Oil. This dedication not only honors their rich heritage but also sets a new standard for Moroccan extra virgin olive oil on the global stage.

Experience Atlas Olive Oil

Discover the magic of Atlas Olive Oil and bring a piece of Morocco's finest culinary tradition into your kitchen. Whether you're a gourmet chef or a home cook, Atlas Olive Oil offers an unparalleled experience that enhances every dish. Embrace the excellence and taste the tradition of Morocco with Atlas Olive Oil – a true testament to the art of olive oil production.

Visit to find special promotions and start your journey with Atlas Olive Oil today.


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